James M. Daisa, P.E.
James M. Daisa, P.E. is an Urban Transportation planner and engineer and a national specialist in Context Sensitive Solutions in project development; and Complete Streets policy, planning, and design. His expertise includes planning and implementation of urban infill, transit oriented development, and activity centers.
His project work includes developing policies and implementation plans, transportation networks, pedestrian and bicycle systems planning and safety improvements, feasibility studies for transit systems including LRT, BRT, streetcar and commuter rail, arterial speed management, traffic calming, parking supply and demand, parking financing, transportation demand and parking management plans, streetscape design, land development and regulatory plans, transit station area plans, revitalization strategies and associated Environmental Impact Reports/Statements.
He has worked on inter-disciplinary teams alongside agencies and stakeholders to devise transportation solutions for urban areas undergoing change or revitalization, and structure financing plans to meet the needs and resources of communities.
Key publications and research projects include:
• Principal Investigator for: Statewide Urban Infill/TOD Trip Generation Research, Caltrans Office of Community Planning, Caltrans Office of Research and Planning, Sacramento, CA
• Principal Investigator for: Trip Generation Rates for Traffic Impact Analyses of Urban Infill/TOD, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP 8-66), Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
• Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach”, Principal Author, An ITE Recommended Practice, 2010