Charles Rivasplata


Dr. Rivasplata has more than 30 years of experience in transport planning and policy, primarily as a transport planner for the City of San Francisco.  In 2020, he became a principal at Transportation Choices for Sustainable Communities and in 2021, assumed the role of treasurer.  Currently, Dr. Rivasplata is a senior lecturer in the Urban and Regional Planning Department at San Jose State University (SJSU), where he teaches courses in transport planning, sustainability planning and global development. He also has taught courses at the Berkeley and Santa Cruz campuses of the University of California; Stanford University; and Cambridge University.  He  earned a Ph.D. in Transportation Policy from the University of California, Davis, as well as Master’s degrees in City Planning, Civil Engineering and Latin American Studies, all from the University of California, Berkeley.  His doctoral dissertation explored the impacts of policy reforms on public transport coordination and multimodal integration in Britain.  Dr. Rivasplata’s professional portfolio has featured work on transportation demand management (TDM) strategies, as well as transport development review; general plan development; community transport planning, transport strategies for persons with disabilities; regional transport governance; and public transport integration in the Greater Bay Area, Britain, Chile, South Africa and beyond.